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Denmark, Sweden to collaborate in combating recent surge in violent crimes

OSLO, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) — Denmark and Sweden have announced plans to strengthen their cooperation in response to a recent surge in violent crimes, which have involved Swedish teenagers being used as mercenaries in Denmark. The justice ministers from both countries made the announcement during a joint press conference in Copenhagen on Wednesday.
“The gangs’ willingness to resort to violence knows no bounds. Therefore, our response must be strong and coordinated,” said Danish Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard. He emphasized the importance of the two countries working together to apply pressure on nations where the masterminds behind these gang conflicts are believed to be hiding.
As part of this agreement, Denmark and Sweden will enhance their cooperation, particularly through the exchange of information. The two Nordic countries also plan to intensify efforts to prevent the recruitment of children and young people into gangs via social media and other digital platforms.
Swedish Minister of Justice Gunnar Strommer highlighted the need for Sweden to fundamentally overhaul its policies in the fight against gang-related crimes. He announced that the Swedish government intends to increase penalties for gang crimes to align more closely with those in Denmark.
Hummelgaard said earlier this month that the Danish authorities knew of 25 cases where criminal groups in Denmark have hired Swedes to commit crimes in Denmark. ■
